Shyama Govind Rao


Shyama Govind Rao is the beloved matriarch of the Ojas Group.

She stands as the pivotal centre of support, quite and unassuming in demeanour, yet a pillar of strength.

Having used her time as a parent, an entrepreneur and one who is dedicated to both her spiritual journey and social endeavours, Shyama Govind Rao shall spearhead the Group’s ventures and CSR participation in the fields of training, employment generation, education and empowerment.

It is her vision to see that Ojas’s offerings are those that bring true value to human life on a global scale, with a special emphasis on sustainable and inclusive business models.

Both the environment and the Indian cultural wealth especially towards health and wellbeing are issues that are close to her heart, that find expression in the Group’s initiatives.

Her involvement and guidance, make the Group much richer in ethos and more refined in approach.
